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  • Reinforced Concrete Design Part-1

Reinforced Concrete Design Part-1

₹335.00 Regular Price
₹249.00Sale Price
Only 3 left in stock
  • Author: Solomon S.K.
  • Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
  • Language: English
  • Edition: 1st
  • Year of Print: 2014
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Print Length: N/A
  • ISBN: 9788123915968

About the Book
This part of the book is based on the Working Stress Design method. The first two chapters deal with the strength and deformation parameters of concrete and steel and the types and properties of cements and the design of concrete mix. Subsequent chapters deal with the design principles for structural components like beams columns and slabs. Chapters on design of staircases footings and- retaining walls follow. In the later chapters the analysis and design of beams curved in plan spherical and conical domes are presented. A large number of examples have been included to illustrate the analytical principles and the design procedures. This book has come out as a result of long experience of university teaching gained by the author in this subject. It is an effort towards sharing knowledge and experience with pupils and professionals alike in this field of study.

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