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    Industrial Relations

    ₹285.00 Regular Price
    ₹229.00Sale Price
    Only 1 left in stock
    • Author: Arun Monappa
    • Publisher: Mc Graw Hill
    • Language: English
    • Edition: 2009
    • Year of Print: 2009
    • Binding: Paperback
    • Print Length: 388 Pages
    • ISBN: 9780074517703

    About the Book
    The book meets the need for an authoritative, Comprehensive and up-to-date text related to the Indian sitution.It provides a framework for analysis and highlight the managerial perspective to enable managers understand and effectively tackle industrial relation problem. The first two chapters 'Indian Industrial Relation-An Overview' and 'The Industrial Worker' prepare the reader for a discussion on some of the current concerns and issues of IR in the indian context. The focus is on the 'developmental' aspects which examine the long-term strategy rather than on the 'control' aspects which are merely oriented to a short term 'here and now' situation. The book with its comprehensive and systematic coverage would be of immense use to students of management and commerce. It also meets the needs of student doing diploma courses in personnel management, and courses conducted by the All India Management Association and National Institute of Personnel Management. Industrial Relations Officers and other practitioners of industrial relations in India and other developing countries would also find the book very useful.

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