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  • Digital Design | with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL 7 System Verilog
  • Digital Design | with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL 7 System Verilog

Digital Design | with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL 7 System Verilog

₹699.00 Regular Price
₹539.00Sale Price
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  • Author: M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti
  • Publisher: Pearson Education
  • Language: English
  • Edition: 6th
  • Year of Print: 2020
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Print Length: 765 Pages
  • ISBN: 9789353062019

About the Book
A modern update to a classic, authoritative text, Digital Design, 6th Edition teaches the fundamental concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The text presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications. Like the previous editions, this edition of Digital Design supports a multimodal approach to learning, with a focus on digital design, regardless of language. Recognizing that three public-domain languages Verilog, VHDL and System Verilog all play a role in design flows for today’s digital devices, the book offers parallel tracks of presentation of multiple languages.Features1. A parallel, but integrated, treatment of Verilog and VHDL, the main hardware description languages used in industry today makes the core text available to a wider audience of students and instructor backgrounds.2. Examples are presented in both Verilog and VHDL.3. An introduction to System Verilog has been added to the text.4. Problems at the end of the chapters have been revised and are stated in terms of a generic HDL, enabling the instructor to choose the language being used by the students.Table of Contents Chapter 1: Digital Systems and Binary NumbersChapter 2: Boolean Algebra and Logic GatesChapter 3: Gate-Level MinimizationChapter 4: Combinational LogicChapter 5: Synchronous Sequential LogicChapter 6: Registers and CountersChapter 7: Memory and Programmable LogicChapter 8: Design at the Register Transfer LevelChapter 9: Asynchronous Sequential LogicChapter 10: Digital Integrated CircuitsChapter 11: Standard Graphic SymbolsOnline - Chapter ​​12: Laboratory Experiments with Standard ICs and FPGAs.

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